Areas the shipping covers Goods are shipped to most addresses within Australia. Unfortunately, we do not delivery goods to international locations.
When goods are shipped Online orders are shipped on the same or next working day to that the order is received. As a general guide deliveries to major cities and areas will take 1 to 3 days whilst it could take up to 3-5 days for some remote areas. We aim to ship 100% of orders placed before 3pm Monday to Friday on the same day. To ensure the same day shipping, please place your order as early as possible. Please remind that we do not ship orders on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.
The delivery times are indicative only and we will not be liable for any failure to observe these delivery times. Shipping Method We usually ship all orders out by express post, registered post and courier.
Cost of shipping Free Shipping for all Orders over $50 or More. Otherwise Shipping and handling cost is $5.5 for each Order.
Out of stock Whilst most of the products advertised on our website are held in stock, occasionally cartridges for older printers are out of stock. If your ordered items are out of stock, we will send you an e-mail message within 24 hours to notify you, give you an estimated delivery date, and issue a refund back to your account as you required. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.